So, now we discover that, in August 2006, 51% of Democrats polled in a Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll wanted President Bush to fail. Let's be clear: the poll said they did not want him to succeed. That's the same thing--no mealy-mouthing here. They wanted President Bush to fail.
Now, why the mock outrage at Rush Limbaugh's statement that he wants President Obama to fail? Why the lies (see my earlier blog post) that claimed Limbaugh wanted the economy to fail? Love him or hate him, Rush has a website with transcripts of his show. It's at, in case you've been living in a cave. I've checked--he was crystal clear, and anyone claiming he wanted the economy to fail...IS LYING. Not mischaracterizing, not spinning, not taking out of context. Lying. He believes the President's policies will wreck the country, so he doesn't want them to succeed. You can completely disagree with his opinion, but let's be realistic--which of President Obama's policies would you expect any conservative to support? For all the bloggers and posters saying, "You shut up! We won!" I would ask a simple question--was that really your opinion in 2004 when the Republicans won? Really? Really?
Oh, the reporters didn't actually check the transcript, they just believed the other reports? Then they are incompetent, and should be fired.
I'm serious. Fired. The First Amendment exists for a reason--because accurate reporting is critical for citizens to know what's going on with their government. As a reporter, you don't get a pass for being lazy. If I can check it out, so can you. I have a day job. If you don't have time to check it, then you don't have time to write your story.
I talk with Michael Klein
2 days ago
It gets better--Democrat strategist James Carville, on 9/11/01 (before the attacks) told reporters that he did not want the President to succeed. "I certainly don't want him to succeed." As I said, no weasel-words here. He wanted President Bush to fail. The mock outrage over Rush Limbaugh's comment is beyond hypocritical; it's pathetic. Didn't we used to have a media? I read about it in history class...